more info :
February 29, 2012
February 28, 2012
Dupla Prova de Agility CEPPB - Macrojornada Norte
DOBLE PRUEBA DE AGILITY CEPPBPuntuables para el Mundial de Agility de la FMBB 2012
-Hipódromo de Antela-, Municipios de Xinzo de Limia y Sandiás (Orense)
31 de Marzo y 1 de Abril de 2012
Autorizadas por la RSCE - Juez: D. Luis Narciso (Portugal)
Prueba Selectiva para el Mundial de la FMBB 2012
Sábado 31 de Marzo de 2012 - 16 h Comienzo de la Prueba
A las 21,30 Horas - Cena de Club de todas las disciplinas
Hotel Eurostars Auriense
XII Copa de Agility del CEPPB
Domingo, 1 de Abril de 2012 - 10 h. Comienzo de la Prueba
Fecha tope de Inscripción 15 de Marzo de 2012
Enviar las Inscripciones junto con una copia de la transferencia a: o Fax: 93 865 46 16
Cuenta de Abono del CEPPB: Banco Popular – Nº Cuenta: 0075.0606.27.0600181480
Importe: 20 € Inscripción individual por prueba. Segundo perro y posteriores, 10 € por prueba. Indicar en el abono o transferencia: Nombre del ordenante y el concepto: "Copa Agility 2012" |
What is a Reverse Sneeze ?
Reverse sneezing is a fairly common respiratory event seen in dogs (rarely cats) that, while harmless, can be quite frightening for dog owners to witness. Find out what happens during reverse sneezing and what some possible causes are in this FAQ.
Answer: Reverse sneezing or inspiratory paroxysmal respiration, is caused by a spasm of the soft palate and laryngeal area. It is termed "reverse sneeze" because the dog is inhaling air rapidly and forcefully instead of expelling air, as with a normal sneeze.
During a reverse sneeze, which last a few seconds up to a minute or two, the dog is usually very still with the head and neck extended. The inhalation of air can be quite forceful, leading some owners to rush to the emergency clinic. Once the episode is over, the dog resumes normal behavior. Smaller breeds are more prone to reverse sneezing and may have several episodes a day.
Reverse sneezing is caused by irritation to the throat, pharynx or laryngeal area. This can be from excitement, pulling on the leash, inhalant irritants (pollen, strong odors), respiratory infections, post nasal drip, or for some dogs, sudden changes in temperature -- i.e. leaving a warm house to very cold outdoor temperatures.
Rule outs for dogs: grass awn inhalation, collapsing trachea, kennel cough, respiratory infection.
February 26, 2012
Régionale de Normandie - CFCBB
La régionale de Normandie se tiendra à OUISTREHAM (et non plus à Cabourg comme prévu initialement),
en bord de mer, Boulevard Maritime, près du port, après le parking des campings-cars, derrière la pinède.
Pas de repas possible sur place mais vous trouverez, à proximité, des stands de restauration rapide.
Le jury est inchangé.
Engagements à envoyer à Mme Dominique ARSENE n° 24 LA RUELLE 14670 SAINT SAMSON
February 25, 2012
Some terms to understand what the jugde says ...
@photo by Kim Gauchat in UBSDA Nationals Oct 29, 2011 - Tink "Best of Winners"
Belton: intermingled colored and white hairs.
Bicolor: a coat of two distinct colors.
Brindle: an even mixture of dark colors with lighter colors, usually as a striped, tiger-like coat.
Domino: reverse facial mask.
Fawn: color of a newborn deer.
Grizzled: a roan pattern that is usually a mixture of black, bluish-gray, iron gray, or red with white.
Harlequin: black or blue patches on white.
Hound colored: black, tan, and white with a black saddle.
Lion color: tawny tan coat color with darker shading, as seen in Ibizan Hounds.
Merle: a mottled, marbled effect (usually red or black, sometimes blue.)
Parti-colored: variegated patches of two or more colors.
Piebald: black and white or two other colors in patches.
Roan: an even mixture of white and another color.
Sable: black tips on silver, gray, gold, fawn or brown hairs.
Saddle: dark patches over the back.
Spectacles: dark markings around the eyes.
Ticked: small areas of black or other dark colors on a white background.
Tricolor: a coat of three distinct colors, usually black, white and tan.
Wheaten: pale yellow or fawn colored.
Corded: coat that is intertwined in the form of long, narrow mats giving a mop-like appearance (exampleKomondor).
Double Coat: find undercoat of some dogs that is combined with a harsher outer guard coat.
Feathered: long hair on the ears, back of legs, and beneath the tail.
Flag: long fringe on the tail.
Jacket: tight body coat of a terrier.
Mane: profuse growth of hair on the rear of the neck.
Plume: profusely feathered tail carried over the back.
Ruff: profuse growth of hair on the front of the neck, or that surrounds the entire neck.
Single Coat: coat that is one layer thick, lacking an undercoat.
Stand-off coat: Coat that sticks out from the body rather than lying flat (example: Norwegian Elkhound).
Topknot: tuft of hair not he top of head.
Apple head: extremely domed skull.
Brachycephalic: Broad head with short-muzzle (example: Pug).
Butterfly nose: spotted or partially unpigmented nose.
Chiseled: clean-cut muzzle and foreface.
Dish-faced: nose tipped up.
Dolichocephalic: narrow head with long muzzle (example: Collie).
Down-faced: muzzle curved downward.
Dudley nose: liver-or flesh-colored nose.
Fill: fullness beneath the eyes, not chiseled.
Flews: upper lips, especially those that are pendulous.
Haw: exposed nictitating membrane (third eyelid), especially if unpigmented.
Mesatacephalic: medium-width head with medium-length muzzle (example: Beagle).
Occiput: highest point at the back of the skull, above where the neck joins the head; in many breeds it forms a crest and is quite prominent.
Stop: transition area from backskull to muzzle, often demarcated by an abrupt depression.
Snipey: weak, pointed muzzle lacking underjaw.
Bite: occlusion; relationship of the upper and lower jaws when the mouth is closed.
Canine tooth: the first premolar; long grasping tooth or a dog's fang.
Deciduous: temporary. Example: A puppy's deciduous teeth are shed before e maturity and replaced by permanent teeth.
Dentition: canine tooth development and eruption. In the dog, there are 12 deciduous incisors that erupt at four to five weeks of age, three on each side, six in the upper jaw and six in the lower. Behind them are four deciduous canine teeth, one on either side, in the upper and lower jaws that erupt at about the same time as the incisors. The 12 deciduous premolars erupt about a week later, and are positioned behind the canines, three on each side, in the upper and lower jaws. They complete the set of 28 deciduous or milk teeth. At about three months of age, the central incisors are replaced by permanent teeth. The four permanent canine teeth are often the last to appear, and typically are not visible until about six months of age. Permanent premolars begin to erupt about four months of age. There are four on each side, on both the upper and lower jaws, and the rearmost is usually visible by six months of age. Those 16 permanent teeth take the place of the 12 deciduous premolars. The two upper molars on each side and three lower molars on each side also begin to appear at about four months, with the last of the ten erupting at about six months. Those 42 teeth make up the permanent set of adult teeth.
Eruption: 1. breaking out of a visible, circumscribed lesion of the skin. 2. normal activity of the teeth as they break through the gums.
Full dentition: no missing teeth.
Incisors: any one of the "biting off" or "cutting" teeth directly in the front of the mouth. There are six incisors in the upper jaw, six in the lower. They are named central, intermediate, and corner.
Level bite: when upper and lower incisors meet evenly.
Over bite: when upper incisors overlap lower incisors, leaving a gap between the teeth.
Scissors bite: when upper incisors just overlap lower incisors, such that the rear surface of the upper incisors touches the outer surface of the lower incisors.
Premolars: smaller teeth situated just to the rear of the fangs (canines).
Punishing mouth: strong, powerful jaws.
Undershot bite: when lower incisors extend beyond upper incisors.
Bat ears: large, erect ears (example: French Bulldog).
Bear ears: small erect ear.
Blunt ears: ears that are too short and rounded at the tips.
Button ears: semi-prick ears in which the top portion folds forward. (example: Fox Terrier).
Cropping: the surgical removal of a portion of a dogs ear to make it stand erect. Cropping is cosmetic surgery.
Drop ears: long, hanging ears. (example: Basset Hound)
Ear: organ of hearing: inner ear: middle ear, and external ear canal. 2. pinna or earflap.
Ear Canal: external duct leading from the tympanic membrane (eardrum) to the outside.
Ear Canker: external ear ulceration and infection.
Ear Carriage: 1. describing the way the ears are held, indicating the dog's mood. 2. position of the ear's attachment to the head.
Ear Clamps: templates or patterns that are attached to an anesthetized dog's ears to outline where the surgical cropping cut is to be made.
Ear Clip: act of cutting off and rounding the pendulant ears of hounds to give them a shortened, uniform appearance and to lesson the probability of tearing the ear leather in the field.
Ear Feather: long hair on an earflap, typical of the Cocker Spaniel and many other breeds.
Ear foreign bodies: grass seeds and various other extraneous matter that finds its way into the external ear canals of dogs.
Ear Fringe: long hair on the tip of the ears that is seen in Bedlington Terriers.
Ear Guide Dog: canine specially trained to aid deaf humans.
Ear Hematoma: pocket of blood that occurs between the layers of the ear pinna cartilage and skin. It is often caused by shaking head and whipping the ears due to ear mites or foreign bodies in the external ear canals.
Ear Leather: pinna or flap of the ear.
Ear Mange: redness and crustiness of the ear that is usually caused by ear mites, (Otodectes cynotis)
Earmark: tattoo that is impregnated in the ear leather as a means of permanent identification.
Ear Mites: Otodectes cynotis, a tiny mite that parasitizes ear canals and causes intense itching and irritation.
Ear notch: in foxhunting, small notch, or notches, cut in the margin of the ear of the entire pack to immediately identify the dogs of that pack.
Ear Ossicles: three bones of the middle ear: malleus, incus, and stapes. They transmit sound waves from the eardrum to the otic nerve.
Ear Set: describing where on the heard the ears are attached.
Ears Set High: placement of ears high on the crown of the head.
Ears Set Low: placement of the ears set low on the head.
Ears Set wide: placement of the ears on the head at the maximum distance apart.
Erect: perk ear; pinna of the ear that stands erect, either normally or assisted by ear cropping.
Rose ears: small ears folded back in repose (example: Greyhound).
Semidrop ears: ears that fall over the breaks at the tip.
Semiprick: aural appendages that are carried erect with the tips breaking forward.
Pendulant or Pendant: hanging down. (Example: Bloodhound's ears)
Pinna: the part of the ear that outside the head; flap or leather.
Prick ears: ears that stand upright. (example: German Shepherd Dog).
Trowel: ear that is wider in the middle than at its attachment of its tip.
Tulip: ears that stand erect with a slight forward and inward curvature.
V-Shaped: drop ear that tapers to a point.
Bull-neck: thick, muscular, often short neck
Crest: Arched area near the top of the neck.
Ewe neck: Neck that is arched so that the top line of the neck is concave and the bottom is convex.
Goose neck: overly long, thin neck lacking strength and shape.
Throaty neck: neck with loose skin.
Barrel chest: rounded ribcage.
Brisket: chest or sternum area.
Cape: long, thick hair covering the shoulders.
Cobby: compact.
Herring gutted: gradual slope from a fairly shallow chest to tuck-up.
Hock: HOCK JOINT. tarsus: joint on the hind limb between lower thigh and pastern. Since the hock is a joint it can not itself be long or short; terms such as long or short in hock refer to the distance between the hock joint and the ground.
Loin: region between the ribcage and croup.
Pastern: region of the metatarsus that extends from the hock to the foot in the hind leg, and the metacarpal area of the foreleg.
Rib spring: arch formed by the ribcage; more spring refers to more arch.
Roach back: an overly arched, convex topline.
Shelly: narrow, shallow chest and body.
Short-coupled: short loin area.
Slab-sided: flat-ribbed.
Swayback: a sunken, concave topline.
Topline: line formed by the withers, back, loin, and croup.
Tuck-up: area under the loin in a small waisted dog.
Forequarters Terms
Bowed front: forelegs that curve out between the elbows and pasterns.
Down in pastern: weak, overly sloping pastern.
East-west front: when feet turn out to the sides, pointing away from each other.
Fiddle front: east-west front combined with a bowed front, so that the assembly looks like a fiddle.
Lay back: angle at which the shoulders is set on the dog's body.
Knuckled over: steep pastern, or with a reverse slope.
Loaded shoulders: overly muscled or lumpy forequarters.
Out at elbow: elbows that stick out from the sides of the ribcage.
Returned: set-back of the upper arm under the dog's body.
Shoulder: scapula:also used (incorrectly) to refer to both the scapula and upper are (humerus) region.
Shoulder angulation: angle formed between the scapula and humerus.
Toed-in front: pigeon toed: feet pointing toward each other.
Bandy-legged: wide, bowed-legged rear quarters.
Cow-hocked: viewed from behind, the point of hocks point toward each other, resulting in the rear feet pointing outward.
Lower thigh: area from stifle to hock, also called second thigh.
Rear angulation: angles formed between the pelvis, thigh bone (femur), and second or lower thigh bone (tibia/fibula).
Sickle-hocked: viewed from the side, an over-angulated joint between the lower thigh and hock; an inability to straighten this joint when moving.
Well let-down: short hocks.
Cat foot: short, round foot.
Dew claws: extra toes on the insides of the front, and sometimes, rear legs.
Hare foot: long, narrow foot.
Mops: 1. profuse hair on the paws. 2. German name for the Pug.
Paper foot: flat foot.
Splay foot: toes that are not close together.
Bob tail: very short, almost stump-like tail. (example: Pembroke Welsh Corgi).
Brush tail: tail covered in hair in such a manner as to give it a bottled-brush appearance (example: Siberian Husky).
Docked tail: tail cut to a shorter length. (example: Doberman)
Gay tail: tail carried above the level of the back.
Saber tail: slightly curved, low-carried tail.
Screw tail: short, twisted tail. (example: English Bulldog).
Close behind: moving with hocks close together.
Crabbing: side-winding.
Crossing-over: when viewed from the front (or rarely, the rear), the legs converge beyond the midline.
Drive: strong thrust from the hindquarters.
Gait: way of moving.
Hackney: high-stepping front movement.
Loose movement: erratic movement suggestive of poor muscle development.
Lumbering: heavy, ungainly movement.
Pacing: moving both legs on the same side of the body in unison, as though hobbled together.
Pounding: front feet hitting the ground with a jarring reaction.
Reach: length of forward stride.
Single tracking: as viewed from the front or rear, the legs converge toward the center line of balance as the dog trots.
Sound: good moment viewed from the front and rear.
Trotting: moving diagonal legs in unison.
Agility: a judged competitive timed events for dogs and their handlers in which dogs are trained to master different obstacles such as: tunnels, bridges, various types of high jumps, jumps through windows, board jumps, and jumps through tires. The course also includes inclined planes, elevated planks to walk, A-frames to climb, and more. Various agility titles are awarded to dogs that successfully complete the course in which they are entered.
Balance: overall proportion and symmetry of conformation.
Bitch: female dog.
Conformation: physical make-up.
Dam: female parent.
Dealer: one who buys and sells dogs bred by others.
Dominance: assertive characteristics of a dog and its influence over other dogs.
Dominant: alpha dog of a pack that displays a behavior superiority or dominance over other dogs of the pack, and exerts a rule influence.
Dysplasia: abnormality of development, especially of the hip or elbow, but it may refer to an organ of the body.
Dystropy: abnormal behavior; behavior problems.
F1: 1st generation or first cross: The result of 2 purebred dogs mated together. The puppies would be F1 puppies
F2: second cross: could mean any next step in the breeding program after F1. Often the F1 offspring bred back to a purebred dog.
F3: third cross after F2 and so on
Feist: Rat Terrier
Feral Dog: a dog living in a fully wild state.
Flock: 1. collected group of livestock (usually sheep) that are used in a herding trial. 2. farm birds or livestock that are gathered or herded together.
Flyball: in agility trails, a competition that involves a course of jumping and ends with a treadle that the dog steps on to cause a ball to pop out of a box. The dog must catch the ball and return it to the handler.
High in rear: a dog that is higher over its rear quarters than over its front quarters.
High-stationed: tall and long-legged.
Hip dysplasia: a very common and debilitating genetic disease of the hips, where the junction of the femur head (large bone in the leg) and the hip socket do not fit as they should. Often, surgery is necessary to correct the problem. This operation often costs an owner about $1000 per hip.
In and In: inbreeding of dogs without regards to results.
Inbred: descriptive of offspring of mated dogs that are closely related to each other.
Inbreeding: practice of mating siblings to each other: father to daughter, mother to son, or other animals closely related to each other.
Kennel: 1. backyard doghouse where family pets or breeding stock are kept. 2. commercial establishment used to maintain a group of dogs, such as a boarding kennel. 3. in foxhunting, fox's lair. 4. foxhunting term for the hound pack's lodging place.
Kennel Type: bloodline or strain of dogs that has been developed by an individual breeder in a specific kennel.
Line: 1. family of related dogs, usually bred by a single kennel. 2. in foxhunting, the track of a quarry that is indicated by scent. 3. a stripe, streak, or lineal mark on a dog's coat.
Linebreeding: mating two dogs that have the same bloodline but are not closely related; a technique used to concentrate and fix genetic features in dog.
Lineage: genealogical decent from a common ancestor; dog's pedigree or family tree.
Metacarpus: referring to bones leading from the carpus (wrist) to the toes; anatomical region of the forepastern.
Molossian dog: Greek sculpture of a mastiff that belonged to Olympias, the daughter of King Pyrrhus. It is supposed to be a direct ancestor of the modern mastiff.
Mongrel: cur; mutt; mixed breeds; dogs of unknown ancestry and questionable parentage.
Mops: 1. profuse hair on the paws. 2. German name for the Pug.
OFA: Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
OFA Certified: a dog’s hips have been x-rayed for hip dysplasia, a very common and debilitating genetic disease.
Pariah Dog: is used as a generic term for dogs with a more or less intensive human connection. Some scientist reserve the term for the Indian dog of a specific type, i.e. a Pariah Dog ownerless half-wild mongrel dog common around Asian villages especially India.
Pastern: region of the metatarsus that extends from the hock to the foot in the hind leg, and the metacarpal area of the foreleg.
Plucking: pulling out loose hair by hand.
Puppy Mill: place in which puppies are bred, often in unsuitable and sometimes inhumane conditions, for sale to dealers.
Pure-Bred: a dog who has parents of the same breed.
Racy: long-legged with a slight build.
Rangy: long-bodied with a shallow chest.
Schutzhund: dog that is specially trained and conditioned for guard and attack work.
Schutzhund competition: tests of a guard dog's training in attacking a well padded "enemy".
Sire: male parent.
Square-proportioned: height at withers equal to length from point of sternum to point of croup.
Stacking: teaching a dog to stand in a show stance that exhibits its characteristics favorably.
Standard: the official blueprint for a breed.
Stifle: knee joint; articulation between the tibia and fibula and the femur.
Stray Dog: a dog more or less associated with man who does not have a home; homeless; without a home
Stripping: the process of hand plucking the outer guard hairs either with your fingers or a stripping knife.removal of the undercoat and dead outercoat without losing the harsh texture; plucking.
Substance: fairly heavy bone and musculature.
Typey: having a superior body conformation; meeting the breeds standard.
Variety: a subtype of a breed that is shown separately, but that can be interbred with other varieties of the same breed.
Weedy: lacking sufficient bone and musculature.
Wicket: device for measuring the height of a dog, consisting of two vertical bars joined by a horizontal bar that can be adjusted for height.
by Dogbreedinfo
February 24, 2012
February 23, 2012
February 21, 2012
Conheça as unhas do seu Pastor Belga
O Pastor Belga deve poder desgastar as unhas de forma natural, através de passeio. Por vezes isso nem sempre é possível. E então torna-se necessário efectuar o corte das unhas aos animais, de forma a evitar que as mesmas não se tornem um obstáculo à deslocação. Principalmente os cães possuem as unhas do 5º dedo que não entrando em contacto com o chão crescem desmesuradamente, podendo enterrar-se na pele e fazer feridas. Existem ainda algumas doenças que podem provocar crescimento excessivo das unhas (leishmaniose) e desgaste anómalo de algumas (claudicações e lesões que fazem evitar o correcto apoio daquele ou aqueles membros).
Para cortar as unhas é necessário um corta unhas específico para o efeito (à venda em lojas e clínicas veterinárias) e alguma destreza. As unhas possuem uma parte irrigada (sabugo) que nas unhas claras se nota facilmente (parte rosada) que nunca deve ser cortada. Se esta parte for atingida a un
ha sangrará profusamente e provocará dor ao animal sendo necessário por vezes efectuar um penso compressivo. Nas unhas negras esta parte não se distingue o que torna desaconselhado que o corte se faça por alguém sem experiência. Nas unhas claras deve deixar-se uma margem de segurança para evitar o sangramento pois nem sempre a parte irrigada é visivelmente distinguível. Deverá haver ainda alguém, capaz de conter o animal, a ajudar nesta tarefa pois muitas vezes eles não colaboram…
O corte de unhas feito correctamente não provoca grande dor ao animal, mas causa algum desconforto pois toda a unha (e uma parte é irrigada e sensível) é apertada.
Caso receie das suas capacidades e tinha dúvidas peça ao seu médico veterinário que avalie se é necessário cortar as unhas ao seu animal e verifique se é capaz de o fazer em casa. O seu veterinário poderá faze-lo sempre que seja necessário, não necessita faze-lo se não se acha apto.
Vigie as unhas do 5º dedo do seu animal e proporcione-lhe meios de desgaste natural das unhas.
Para cortar as unhas é necessário um corta unhas específico para o efeito (à venda em lojas e clínicas veterinárias) e alguma destreza. As unhas possuem uma parte irrigada (sabugo) que nas unhas claras se nota facilmente (parte rosada) que nunca deve ser cortada. Se esta parte for atingida a un

O corte de unhas feito correctamente não provoca grande dor ao animal, mas causa algum desconforto pois toda a unha (e uma parte é irrigada e sensível) é apertada.
Caso receie das suas capacidades e tinha dúvidas peça ao seu médico veterinário que avalie se é necessário cortar as unhas ao seu animal e verifique se é capaz de o fazer em casa. O seu veterinário poderá faze-lo sempre que seja necessário, não necessita faze-lo se não se acha apto.
Vigie as unhas do 5º dedo do seu animal e proporcione-lhe meios de desgaste natural das unhas.
Forneça ao seu cão tempo de brincadeira e de amizade e certamente de forma natural o desgaste das unhas irá fazer-se de forma natural. Divirta-se!
February 20, 2012
Formula Dentária Cão de Pastor Belga
O Cão de Pastor Belga adulto possui 42 dentes (20 na mandíbula superior e 22 na mandíbula inferior) e o cachorro tem 32. Ao nascer os cachorros não têm dentes. Os dentes de leite surgem a partir do 20º dia até à 5ª semana. Em seguida todos os dentes de leite são substituídos pelos definitivos entre o 4º mês e o 7º mês.
fonte: HVCB e Merck Veterinary Manual
A formula dentária dos dentes definitivos do cão é: 6 incisivos, 2 caninos, 8 pré-molares e 4 molares em cima e 6 incisivos, 2 caninos, 8 pré-molares e 6 molares em baixo.
Os cuidados com os dentes devem começar desde a mais tenra idade.
Verifique se os dentes de leite caíram. A permanência dos dentes de leite pode trazer vários problemas na saúde oral do seu animal.
Habitue o seu cachorro à escovagem dos dentes e à manipulação da boca.
Forneça uma alimentação correcta, evitando sempre os doces.
fonte: HVCB e Merck Veterinary Manual
February 19, 2012
N.E Belgique 2012
No dia 5 de Maio de 2012 vai-se realizar a N.E Belga, deixo-vos aqui o cartaz do evento com o respectivo painel de juízes
Monográfica Zona Centro CEPPB - 3 & 4 Março 2012
Monográfica Zona Centro CEPPB - 3 & 4 Março 2011
Local : Nambroca - Toledo
Juíz: Mr. Eric DessChans (Bélgica)
@photo: s.r Ch Heidi d´Alquivelt
Jornada Multidisciplinar CEPPB 2012
De 30 de Março a 1 de Abril de 2012 vai realizar-se as Jornadas Multidisciplinares do Clube Espanhol do Pastor Belga em Xinzo de Limia - Ourense
mais informações em
February 18, 2012
February 17, 2012
II Troféu de Mondioring CPCPB
É já no próximo dia 11 de Março de 2012 que se vai realizar mais uma prova para o Campeonato Nacional de Mondioring e do CPCPB...
February 15, 2012
Estalão FCI Nr. 15 - Cão de Pastor Belga (versão inglês)
FCI-Standard No 15/ 19.04.2002 /GB
de Berger Belge)
TRANSLATION: Mrs. Jeans-Brown, revised by Dr. R. Pollet.
ORIGIN: Belgium.
UTILISATION: Originally a sheep dog, today a working dog (guarding, defence,
tracking, etc.) and an all-purpose service dog, as well as a family dog.
F.C.I.: Group
1 Sheepdogs and Cattle
Swiss Cattle dogs).
Section 1 Sheepdogs.
With working trial.
HISTORICAL SUMMARY: In Belgium, at the end of
the 1800s, there were a great many herding dogs, whose type was varied and
whose coats were extremely dissimilar. In order to rationalise this state of
affairs, some enthusiastic dog fanciers formed a group and sought guidance from
Prof. A. Reul of the Cureghem Veterinary Medical School, whom one must consider
to have been the real pioneer and founder of the breed.
breed was officially born between 1891 and 1897. On September 29th,
1891, the Belgian Shepherd Dog Club (Club du Chien de Berger Belge) was founded
in Brussels and in the same year on November 15th in Cureghem,
Professor A. Reul organised a gathering of 117 dogs, which allowed him to carry
out a return and choose the best specimens. In the following years they began a
real programme of selection, carrying out some very close interbreeding
involving a few stud dogs.
April 3rd, 1892, a first detailed breed standard had already been
drawn up by the Belgian Shepherd Dog Club. One single breed was allowed, with
three coat varieties. However, as was said at the time, the Belgian Shepherd
only belonged to ordinary people and therefore the breed still lacked status.
As a
result, it wasn’t until 1901 that the first Belgian Shepherds were registered
with the Royal Saint-Hubert Society Stud Book (L.O.S.H.).
the following years, the prime movers among the Belgian Shepherd enthusiasts
set to work with great determination to unify the type and correct the faults.
It can be said that by 1910 the type and temperament of the Belgian Shepherd
had been established.
the history of the Belgian Shepherd, the question of differing but acceptable
varieties and colours had led to many heated discussions. On the other hand,
anything involving morphology, temperament and suitability for work has never
caused any disagreement.
APPEARANCE: The Belgian Shepherd is a mediolineal dog,
harmoniously proportioned, combining elegance and power, of medium size, with
dry, strong muscle, fitting into a square, rustic, used to the open air life
and built to resist the frequent atmospheric variations of the Belgian climate.
the harmony of its shape and its high head-carriage, the Belgian Shepherd
should give the impression of that elegant strength which has become the
heritage of the selected representatives of a working breed. The Belgian
Shepherd is to be judged in its natural stance, without physical contact with the
PROPORTIONS: The Belgian Shepherd dog can be fitted into a
square. The chest is let down to the level of the elbows. The length of the
muzzle is equal to or slightly longer than half the length of the head.
/ TEMPERAMENT: The Belgian Shepherd is a
watchful and active dog, bursting with energy,
and always ready to leap into action. As well as its innate skill at
guarding flocks, it also possesses the highly prized qualities of the best
guard dog of property. Without any hesitation it is the stubborn and keen
protector of its owner. It brings together all those qualities necessary for a
shepherd, guard, defence and service dog.
lively, alert temperament and its confident nature, showing no fear or
aggressiveness, should be obvious in its body stance and the proud attentive
expression in its sparkling eyes.
judging this breed, one should take into consideration its calm and fearless
HEAD: Carried high, long without exaggeration, rectilinear, well chiselled
and dry. Skull and muzzle are roughly equal in length, with at the most a very
slight bias in favour of the muzzle which puts the finishing touch to the whole
REGION: Of medium width, in proportion with the
length of the head, with a forehead flat rather than round, frontal groove not
very pronounced; in profile, parallel to imaginary line extending muzzle line;
occipital crest little developed; brow ridges and zygomatic arches not
Stop: Moderate.
Nose: Black.
Muzzle: Medium length and well chiselled under the eyes; narrowing gradually
toward the nose, like an elongated wedge; bridge of the nose straight and
parallel to the continuation of the topline of the forehead; mouth well split,
which means that when the mouth is open the commissures of the lips are pulled
right back, the jaws being well apart.
Lips: Thin, tight and strongly pigmented.
Jaws/teeth: Strong, white teeth, regularly and strongly set in well-developed
jaws. Scissor bite; pincer bite, which is preferred by sheep and livestock
herders, is tolerated. Complete dentition according to the dental formula; the
absence of two premolars 1 (2 P1) is tolerated and the molars 3 (M3) are not
taken into consideration.
Cheeks: dry and quite flat, although muscled.
Eyes: Medium size, neither protruding nor sunken, slightly almond-shaped,
obliquely set, brownish colour, preferably dark; black rimmed eyelids; direct,
lively, intelligent and enquiring look.
Ears: Rather small, set high, distinctly triangular appearance, well-rounded
outer ear, pointed tips, stiff, carried upright and vertical when dog is alert.
NECK: Well standing out, slightly elongated, rather upright, well-muscled,
broadening gradually towards the shoulders, without dewlap, nape slightly
BODY: Powerful without being heavy; length from point of shoulder to point
of buttock approximately equal to height at withers.
Topline: upper line of back and loins
is straight.
Withers: Pronounced.
Back: firm, short and well-muscled.
Loins: Solid, short, sufficiently broad, well-muscled.
Croup: well-muscled ; only very slightly sloping ; sufficiently
broad but not excessively so.
Chest: little broad, but well let down; upper part of ribs arched; seen from
the front forechest little broad, but without being narrow.
Underline: Begins below the
chest and rises gently in a harmonious curve towards the belly, which is
neither drooping nor tucked up, but slightly raised and moderately developed.
TAIL: Well set on, strong at the base, of medium length, reaching at least to
hock, but preferably further; at rest carried down, with tip curved backwards
at level of hock; more raised when moving,
although without passing the horizontal, the curve towards the tip
becoming more accentuated, without ever at any time forming a hook or
view: Bone solid but not heavy; muscle dry and
strong; front legs upright from all sides and perfectly parallel when seen from
the front.
Shoulder: Shoulder blade long and oblique, well attached, forming a sufficient
angle with the humerus, ideally measuring 110-115 degrees.
arm: Long and sufficiently oblique.
Elbow: Firm, neither turning out nor tied in.
Forearm: Long and straight.
(carpus): very firm and clean.
pastern (metacarpus): Strong and short, as
perpendicular to the ground as possible or only very slightly sloping forward.
Feet: Round, cat feet; toes arched and well closed; pads thick and springy;
nails dark and strong.
view: Powerful, but not heavy; in profile hindlegs
are upright and seen from behind perfectly parallel.
thigh: Medium length, broad and strongly muscled.
Stifle: approximately on the plumb line from the hip; normal stifle
thigh: Medium length, broad and muscled.
Hock: Close to the ground, broad and muscled, moderate angulation.
pastern (metatarsus): Solid and short; dewclaws
not desirable.
Feet: may be light oval; toes arched and well closed; pads thick and
springy; nails dark and strong.
/ MOVEMENT: Lively and free movement at all gaits; the
Belgian Shepherd is a good galloper but its normal gaits are the walk and
especially the trot; limbs move parallel to the median plane of the body. At
high speed the feet come nearer to the median plane; at the trot the reach is
the movement even and easy, with good rear drive, and the topline remains tight
while the front legs are not lifted too high. Always on the move, the Belgian
Shepherd seems tireless; its gait is fast, springy and lively. It is capable of
suddenly changing direction at full speed. Due to its exuberant character and
its desire to guard and protect, it has a definite tendency to move in circles.
SKIN: Elastic but taut over all the body; edges of lips and eyelids strongly
AND VARIETIES: Since the coat varies in
length, direction, appearance and colour among Belgian Shepherds, this
particular point has been adopted as the criterion for distinguishing between
the four varieties of the breed: the Groenendael, the Tervueren, the Malinois
and the Laekenois.
four varieties are judged separately and can each be awarded a C.A.C., a
C.A.C.A.B. or a reserve title.
HAIR: In all the varieties the hair must always be dense, close-fitting and
of good texture, with the woolly undercoat forming an excellent protective
- LONG HAIR: The hair is
short on the head, the outer side of the ears and the lower part of the
legs, except on the rear side of the forearm which is covered from elbow
to wrist by long hairs called fringes. The hair is long and smooth on the
rest of the body and longer and more abundant around the neck and on the
forechest, where it forms a collarette or ruff and a jabot or apron. The
opening of the ear is protected by thick tufts of hair. From the base of
the ear the hair is upright and frames the head. The back of the thighs is
covered with very long abundant hair forming the culottes or breeches. The
tail is furnished with long, abundant hair forming a plume.
The Groenendael and the Tervueren are the long-haired.
- SHORT HAIR: The hair is
very short on the head, the outer sides of the ears and the lower part of
the legs. It is short over the rest of the body and fuller at the tail and
around the neck where it forms a collarette or ruff which begins at the base
of the ear, stretching as far as the throat. As well, the back of the
thighs is fringed with longer hair. The tail is ear of corn shaped, but
does not form a plume.
The Malinois is the short-haired.
especially characterises the rough hair variety is the roughness and
dryness of the hair, which, moreover, is rasping and tousled. About 6 cm
long over the whole body, the hair is shorter on the top of the muzzle,
the forehead and the legs. The hair around the eyes and those furnishing the
muzzle should not be so long as to disguise the shape of the head.
However, it is essential to have furnishings on the muzzle. The tail
should not form a plume.
The Laekenois is the rough-haired.
Mask: For Tervueren and Malinois the mask must be very pronounced and tend
to encompass the top and bottom lip, the corners of the lips and the eyelids in
one single black zone. A strict minimum of six points of skin pigmentation is
called for: the two ears, the two upper eyelids and the two lips, upper and
lower, which must be black.
overlay: In Tervueren and Malinois, the black overlay
means that the hairs have a black tip which shades the base colour. This
blackening is in any case “flamed” and must not be present in great patches nor
in real stripes (brindled). In the Laekenois the black shading is more
discreetly expressed.
Groenendael: Only uniform black.
Tervueren: Only fawn with black overlay or grey with black overlay, with black
mask; however, the fawn with black overlay is still preferred. The fawn must be
rich, neither light nor washed-out. Any dog whose coat colour is anything but
fawn with black overlay or does not match the desired intensity of colour
cannot be considered an elite specimen.
Malinois: Only fawn with black overlay and with black mask.
Laekenois: Only fawn with
traces of black overlay, mainly on the muzzle and the tail.
all varieties: a small amount of white is tolerated on forechest and toes.
at withers:
The ideal weight at withers is on average - 62 cm for
- 58 cm for females.
2 cm less, 4 cm more.
Males about 25-30 kg.
about 20-25 kg.
Measurements: Average normal measures for an adult male Belgian Shepherd of 62 cm at
the withers:
- Length of body (from
point of shoulder to point of buttock): 62 cm.
- Length of head: 25 cm.
- Length of muzzle: 12,5
– 13 cm.
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault
and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact
proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
- General appearance: Cloddy, lacking elegance; too light or too slender; longer than
high; fitting into a rectangle.
- Head: heavy, too strong, lacking parallelism, not sufficiently
chiselled or dry; forehead too rounded; stop too accentuated or too flat;
muzzle too short or pinched; Roman nose; brow ridges or zygomatic arches
too prominent.
- Nose, lips and eyelids: traces of depigmentation.
- Dentition: badly aligned incisors. Serious fault: lack of one incisor (1 I),
one premolar 2 (1 P2), one premolar 3 (1 P3) or three premolars 1 (3 P1).
- Eyes: light, round.
- Ears: large, long, too broad at the base, set low, carried outward or
- Neck: slender; short or deep set.
- Body: too long; thoracic cage too broad (cylindrical).
- Withers: flat, low.
- Topline: back and/or loins long, weak, sagging or arched.
- Croup: too sloping, overbuilt.
- Underline: too much or too little let down; too much belly.
- Tail: set too low; carried too high, forming a hook, deviated.
- Limbs: bone too light or too heavy; bad upright stance in profile (e.g.
front pasterns too sloping or weak wrists), from the front (feet turning
in or out, out at elbow, etc.), or from behind (hindlegs too close, too
wide apart or barrel shaped, hocks close or open, etc.); too little or
exaggeratedly angulated.
- Feet: spreading.
- Gait: moving close, too short a stride, too little drive, poor back transmission,
high stepping action.
- Coat: all four varieties: insufficient undercoat.
Groenendael and Tervueren: woolly, wavy, curly
hair; hair not long enough.
Malinois: hair half-long where it should be short;
smooth-haired; harsh hairs scattered in the short coat; wavy coat.
Laekenois: hair too long, silky, wavy, crisp-haired or
short; filled with fine hairs scattered in tufts in the rough hair; hairs too
long around the eye or the lower end of the head (the chin); bushy tail.
- Colour: for all four varieties: white marking on chest forming tie; white
on the feet going beyond toes.
reddish tinges in the coat; grey breeches.
Tervueren: grey.
Tervuren and
Malinois: brindle; tints not warm enough; not enough or too much black overlay or
set in patches over the body; not enough mask.
Tervueren, Malinois and Laekenois: too light a fawn; a base
which is very diluted, named washed-out, is considered a serious fault.
- Temperament: specimens lacking in self-confidence or overly nervous.
- Temperament: aggressive or timid specimens.
- General appearance: lack of breed type.
- Dentition: overshot; undershot, even if contact is not lost (reverse scissor
bite); crossbite; absence of one canine (1 C), one upper carnassial (1 P4)
or lower carnassial (1 M1), one molar (1 M1 -upper jaw- or 1 M2; M3 are
not taken into account), one premolar 3 (1 P3) plus one other tooth or a
total of three teeth (excluding the premolars 1) or more.
- Nose, lips, eyelids: strong depigmentation.
- Ears: drooping or artificially kept erect.
- Tail: missing or shortened, at birth or by docking; carried too high
and ringed or curled.
- Coat: lack of undercoat.
- Colour: any colours which do not correspond with those of the described varieties;
too widespread white markings on forechest, especially if they reach as
far as the neck; white on feet going more than halfway up the front or the
back pasterns and forming socks; white markings anywhere other than
forechest and toes; lack of mask, including a muzzle of lighter colour
than the rest of the coat in Tervueren and Malinois.
- Size: outside the limits laid down.
Any dog clearly showing
physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully
descended into the scrotum.
matings between varieties are forbidden, except in exceptional circumstances,
when this ban can be lifted by the appropriate and official breed councils
(Text 1974, drawn up in Paris).
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15 de Dezembro - 2012 - Póvoa de Varzim